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In 2022, we will be more firmly committed to the path of innovation of Internet + education. We will link various fields of art in product upgrading, activity communication, online courses, art study abroad and other aspects to make a diversified layout. Xiao Yang beauty: only innovation can touch the pulse of future education---
Values differ from traditional subject-based training in that quality education is more interactive in the classroom. Therefore, offline face-to-face teaching is more effective, and it is easier to achieve real-time interaction in the classroom—
與傳統學科類培訓有(yǒu)所不同,素質教育更加注重課堂互動性。因此,線下面對面教學效果佳,更易實現課堂實時(shí)互動。值得(de)一提的是,素質寶在保留固有(yǒu)優勢的同時(shí),也兼顧線上(shàng),布局升級自身 OMO 體(tǐ)系。将整個(gè)課程也進行(xíng)了升級,使得(de)高(gāo)互動能夠在線上(shàng)達成,讓教學更加有(yǒu)效、快捷。 素質寶會(huì)繼續秉持以 OMO 為(wèi)主的交付模式,輻射青少(shǎo)兒教育、親子教育、家(jiā)長教育多(duō)領域,打造多(duō)品牌、多(duō)産品支撐的素質教育體(tǐ)系,并以自營與合作(zuò)形式共建的生(shēng)态支撐平台作(zuò)為(wèi)保障,向多(duō)元綜合素質教育解決方案轉化。